
Ypióca Brasilizar Cachaça Prata Classica 1L on Sale


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Ypióca Brasilizar Cachaça Prata Classica 1L

The story of Ypióca began in 1843, when Dario Telles de Menezes, who would go on to found the Ypióca Group, landed in Fortaleza, Brazil. He had traveled from Portugal, and ended up settling in Maranguape, near Fortaleza. His original intention was to farm sugarcane, but the farming business proved challenging and Menezes turned his focus to distillation. Three years later, the first Ypióca Cachaça was distilled and Ypióca was founded, making it the oldest Brazilian brand still in operation. The name Ypióca comes from the indigenous Tupi-Guarani language, and translates to “red earth,” alluding to the fertile soil conducive to farming cane sugar.

Classica is distilled in a column still from fresh pressed sugarcane juice. The sugarcane comes from Ypióca-owned sugar fields and is aged for one year in Brazilian freijó wood vats.


Fruity nose with medium body. The palate bears a peppery quality that interplays well with the almost grape-like fruitiness.

40% ABV

What is Cachaça?

Cachaça is Brazil’s national spirit, a distilled spirit made from fermented and distilled sugarcane juice. It has a history of almost 500 years, blending three trends in Brazilian culture: Indian, African, and Portuguese. Cachaça is often compared to rum because they share a sugar-based distillate, but cachaça is made from freshly-pressed sugarcane juice, while rum is not. Cachaça is sweeter and has a different taste than rum because it is made directly from sugarcane juice.

Ypióca Brasilizar Cachaça Prata Classica 1L
Ypióca Brasilizar Cachaça Prata Classica 1L

